Why You Shouldn't Try To Screenprint Your Businesses Logo On Your Workwear Yourself

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Why You Shouldn't Try To Screenprint Your Businesses Logo On Your Workwear Yourself

There are quite literally hundreds of different construction, trade, maintenance and industrial companies out there that work in harsh conditions and keep Australia moving forward every day. Many of these businesses are run by families or are quite small and try to get the word out about themselves in any way possible. TV and radio ads are very expensive so obviously, the easiest way to advertise is with the free space on the uniform of all your employees. However, at-home screenprinting methods can be very unreliable, which is why you should always use professional workwear screenprinting options if you are looking to customise your uniforms.

Printing On Any Surface

You might find that some of the do-it-yourself products that you can buy for screenprinting advertise the ability to get a nice, clean image on any surface, but that is far from true. Workwear used by people in these industries often has very resistant surfaces to any outside material because they are designed to hold up against water, dirt, paint and other chemicals. Only professional workwear printing solutions have machines powerful and consistent enough to get a clear image on some of these items of workwear without it coming out looking like a splotchy mess. 

Dynamic Colours

If your logo has a little more pep and spark to it than the average black and white ad, then you will struggle to get the combination of colours right in a backyard screenprinting scenario. It is hard to know the correct mixture to get the colours you want, especially if this is your first time attempting screenprinting. The last thing you want is to ruin good workwear that probably cost you a fair bit to buy in the first place. Professional workwear screenprinting companies have the ability to print any colour with very fine details so that your logo is clearly visible no matter where it is.


Getting a logo on your workwear is one thing, but keeping it there through months and months, sometimes years, of use is another problem entirely. Professional workwear screen printers are very good at making sure the image is sealed and protected from common ageing factors such as sunlight, water, friction and so on. Most do-it-yourself screenprinting may result in a decently legible image, but it won't last too long and then you will end up with an ugly logo that looks very dishevelled and not like something you should wear at work. 

407 Words

About Me

Team Spirit: The Art of Good Business Steve Jobs said, "Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people." As someone who has just begun my own business, I am starting to realise that this is true! My father has always run businesses, but I refused his help and decided I could do it all on my own. Of course, I have now realised my folly and am seeking as much knowledge as I can about all aspects of business. I figured that there would be others out there who want to keep up with current business practices, so this blog was born. I hope you find it practical and informative. I'm Peter Freeman. Thank you for visiting.

